Sunday 15 June 2014

I am currently enjoying this coffee cake which I made yesterday afternoon within 1 hour, whilst my dog is sitting beside me looking hopeful for some cake! Usually I hate coffee however I have really enjoyed this cake! My granny sent me her recipe of it and I will share it if you want just comment below! It is a light sponge with coffee butter-cream as the filling and the icing on top, I decided to add some pecan nuts to the cake aswell to make it look abit better and for a crunch (I couldn't find any walnuts haha!)


  1. Hi little Al!

    Love your blog it's really sweet, I'm envious of your baking skills! This cake looks to die for! Can't wait to read your future posts lovely! Hope you're enjoying the last term of school, you should get 'bloglovin' it's an easier way to find blogs and get followers.

    Love from big Al xxx

    1. Hey big Al!
      Ah thankyou! So is yours! Yeah thanks, ill get the app now! Hope you have a really good time in Hongkong!
      Love from lilttle Al xxx
